Finding Middle Ground

*Note to self, if I want Sugar Britches to calm down, and understand what I mean. Incorporate it into a Skylander scenario.

So it’s been forever since I have written in this thing. and I thought what better way to keep my free time occupied from not smoking then writing in this blog.  Work has slowed down and I need to keep my mind from cigarettes. (Ever seen the Nicorette commercial with the shark? yes.. It’s really like that.)

Took her out to “ThePark”  to practice hitting and catching. To the soccer fields that cost a BaGillion $, but don’t ever get used. Almost immediately I was ready to just get back in the car and head home. She was high, it was windy, I needed a cigarette, not good.
After what seemed like an hour (probably 10 mins) we take a water break, she just sat there arms crossed with this sour grimace all over her face. I took about 5 or 6 really deep breaths and said

– “SB look, imagine you’re the Stealth Elf, and the bat is your dagger.
The ball is a Chompy trying to bite you, take your dagger and smack that chompy as hard as you can!”

Her eyes shot up, and that grimace was replaced with this smile I can only describe, as…well, creepy, and replied. 

– “Can it be a Bone Chompy?”

Me – “I don’t see why not!”

She grabbed one more big gulp of water, picked up her bat and walked over to the plate. The first ball I threw her went a little stray..but she hit it. The second a miss. Now the third, I told her to go over a little checklist in her head. Trying to get her to slow down and actually look at she was swinging the bat at.  When she looked like she ready to swing, I threw a soft, nearly straight pitch.. and BAM! She nailed the ball hard down the middle! We both let out this “Holy Cow, it Actually Worked!” YEA! and then next pitch, Bam!, and then next, BAM! Four pitches in a row she nailed harder then I’ve ever seen SB hit a ball. Brought a tear to my eye. If she can just remember this for tomorrow’s game, we’ll be set. Now, if only I could come up with a scenario to apply this same technique, maybe convince her to clean that disgusting room! 


About Trash Panda Jiujitsu Dad

Husband and father of 4 of the craziest kids this world will ever know. 2 year old Logan, the juggernaut, head of stone with a heart of gold, mini me. 4 year old Harper Jackson, my quick witted, sarcastic yet overly sensitive self proclaimed “best friend son”. 9 year old Tristen who is my Hell raising, never listening but does it with a smile Daddy's Girl. And my 12 year old Type-1 Diabetic Brooklyn, who is my sarcastic, melodramatic, matter of fact, writing, and artist. I'm 35 years old, Jiujitsu, writing and music are my passions. I love being a dad, I love comedy, I hate stupid people, but don't actively try to murder them. I'm sarcastic, and very blunt but after 8 years in the Drywall trade. Working with a group of guys who could be in the Hall of Fame of Assholes, its hard not to be. If you had flaws or insecurities it was like blood to sharks. If the jokes bothered you, it only made it worse. I had to learn to be quick witted. It's nearly impossible to embarrass me, but I will embarrass you if you try. I love my family, and my life. Don't talk to me about Poltics, or Religion you won't like what I have to say. Treat me with respect and I'll be your best friend. Treat me like I'm an idiot, I'll probably make you cry.
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